Mix / Craig Bratley / Ashigaru Sound System Summer 23: Part 2

The Insider recently interviewed Brooklyn-based bombshell, Amy Douglas, and, as if by magic, one of the real gems from her sparkling back catalogue has just been reissued. 

When Amy`s cracking collaboration with producer Craig Bratley, No In Between, was first released, it was digital only. It was a lockdown experiment, a slow motion dubwise diversion, from a chap more commonly associated with chugging acid house mutations of the kind favoured by messers Johnston and Weatherall at their A Love From Out Of Space soirees. Top tunes like Craig`s remix of Four Walls` No Use, or his own Obsession and 99.9%. Weatherall reworked both these tracks, and the former even appeared on The Guv`nor`s label, Bird Scarer. 

So huge was the surprise response to No In Between that Craig was convinced / cajoled into setting up a Qrates kickstarter, for a super limited batch of vinyl. These OG 10”s went in a blink, and there was no cash for a pricey second run (never mind the then crazy 12 month-plus pressing plant waiting times). I didn`t get one, because I `m on the other side of the world, and was literally sleeping. I begged Craig to let me know if and when more were coming. 


The ReWarm guys had a copy on Discogs for around 80 sheets, and, whenever I managed to make some money from writing, I toyed with the idea of buying it. However, now, as if someone read my mind, and answered my musical prayers, the song is available again on a dynamic, dynamite, dinked jukebox 45. I previously described No In Between, particularly the amazing Ashigaru Dub, as “a bleepy piece of Balearic soul”, that “references Mad Professor big time”, Amy`s delivery as “beautifully blues-y” and Craig`s production as “drenching every detail in echo and delay.” The single, I think, also deserves some re-appraising in the light of the recent,  excellent, Earth Angel LP – since they both sleaze the same steamy, sexy sonic territory. I wonder if Richard “Parrot” Barratt, the Crooked Man behind Earth Angel – coincidently another Amy collaborator – copped a listen to Craig, and if Mr. Bratley was inspired by any of Mr. Barratt`s past classics?

craig bratley amy douglas cover edit

Craig has very kindly donated this really brilliant reggae and dub mix, to help promote No In Between`s reissue. To be honest, I was expecting everywhere to have already sold out, but Juno still have copies in stock…

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